DoodQuote / DeathQuote Project

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It seems that the taboo on speaking on death and dying has gradually been lifted in the Netherlands. That is very much needed as we are meant to keep control over our lives right up till the very end. Thinking and talking about this final phase is often only then encouraged when somebody is already old or suffering from illness, and focuses mainly on how to die. Talking about death very much evolves around medical and ethical issues; one needs to be outspoken about palliative care and possibilities for euthanasia. Important and unavoidable topics, but they also make thinking about death quite a medical, legal and often also a financial issue.

Even though death is universal – we all die – the way we deal with it is very diverse. This dynamic and diversity makes ‘death’ a complex, intangible matter. The photo project Sta Eens Stil Bij De Dood -‘stand still at death for a moment’ – intents to show how people think about death and wants to make others think about it too. In 2015 we will travel through the Netherlands to collect DoodQuotes/DeathQuotes, to come to a contemporary mosaic of thoughts on death.


Sta Eens Stil Bij de Dood

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